A real wall of police was needed to protect the peaceful pro-lifers from the angry feminists.
Feminists chant ‘Shame on You’ at Pro-Life Women
Last Saturday in Amsterdam, the feminist march ‘The Future is Feminist’ took place to mark International Women's Day. Hordes of women marched from Dam Square to the Museumplein, accompanied by the media. A group of pro-life women who stood up for unborn children were scandalously mocked by the demonstrators.
Pro-life Women attacked for their Own Rights
Three Christian organisations, including Kies Leven (Choose Life), decided to peacefully attend the march. They held up signs with messages such as ‘Protect your baby’ and ‘Stop femicide in the womb’. Their message was in line with the theme of the demonstration: resistance against femicide. But the feminists refused to accept this. Thousands of middle fingers were raised and the slogan ‘Shame on you’ was loudly chanted.
TFP Caravan crosses Amsterdam: What Happens When You Pray for the Unborn in Extremely Woke City?

These indecent hand gestures are typical of someone who has no arguments.
Protecting Unborn Girls
The Kies Leven group consisted mainly of women who stood up for the rights of the most vulnerable: unborn children, especially girls who are often aborted because of their sex in countries such as China and India. But they were treated by the feminists as if they had ‘betrayed’ their sex. As if it is only permissible to fight for women's rights if it means that unborn children, including girls, have no rights.
Grieving over abortion should not exist
During the demonstration, pro-life women spoke with participants who had had an abortion themselves. One woman shared her deep regret, something for which there is no room within the feminist movement. Abortion is presented as a choice that makes women powerful, something that feminists say you are not allowed to feel sad about. Women who express their pain are ignored or even seen as traitors.
Also read: Abortion as a Marxist Tool in the Context of the Cultural and Sexual Revolution
Who deserves to be shamed here?
The slogan ‘Shame on you’ was intended to humiliate pro-life women. But who should really be ashamed? The women who stand up for the most fundamental human right – the right to life – or those who use violence and ridicule to defend their ideology?
Pro-lifers will not be intimidated. On the contrary, their message has an impact. The banner has been seen by thousands, and who knows how many people it has made think. And that is exactly why feminists react so aggressively. The truth is powerful – and will ultimately prevail.

The pro-life banner was shown in the face of thousands of people.
Have you often seen street actions against abortion? Are you also convinced of the sacred right to life and do you want to defend it publicly?
Get in touch with us and prepare to reinforce your opinion!