Petition against the blasphemous opera SANCTA at the Stuttgart Opera and on tour in Germany

The concentration of blasphemy in the performance of the opera “Sancta” at the Stuttgart Opera is so great and invasive that even secular media are appalled:
- Sex scenes shock opera audience - paramedics treat 18 visitors (Bild)
- Provocative performance - emergency doctor calls at opera “Sancta” in Stuttgart (Pro 7)
- Criticism of religion or “catholic-bashing”? Provocative opera “Sancta” in Stuttgart divides opinions (SWR).
- The evening of music theater “Sancta” by Florentina Holzinger disturbed parts of the audience at the Stuttgart State Opera. (NZZ)
The Stuttgart Opera itself admits in its description that the performance is scandalous and warns: “This performance shows explicit sexual acts as well as representations and descriptions of (sexual) violence. In addition, real blood, as well as artificial blood, piercing procedures, and the infliction of a wound, can be seen.”
In the grotesque and repulsive nude scenes, the Catholic faith and the Catholic Church are ridiculed in an outrageous manner.
The actors in these scenes are priests, nuns, and popes.
These repulsive scenes are a parody of Catholic rituals.
Some excerpts from the press coverage (slightly abbreviated for the sake of respect):
- A female Jesus spanks a naked nun, two women engage in explicit homosexual displays, and real blood covers naked bodies. (Apollo News)
- The new queer theater spectacle by director Florentina Holzinger fills almost three hours. The opera “Sancta Susanna” from 1922 by composer Paul Hindemith was turned into a shocking show: naked nuns, lesbians on a cross, a small-sized popess... (Apollo News)
- In the opera “Sancta”, the Austrian director brings lesbian love scenes to the stage with provocative clarity, ridiculing Christian rituals... (Bild)
- While Sister Klementia is conjuring Susanna at the front of the stage to renounce physical love, two naked performers at the back are passionately kissing and touching each other in front of a huge climbing wall. Later, they climb onto a glowing cross: the figure of Jesus is replaced by two women entwined. (SWR)
One gets the impression that this "opera piece" comes straight from hell and was staged by the devil himself.
We cannot possibly accept such an attack on our Lord Jesus Christ, on our faith, and on the Holy Church.
Therefore, I invite you to join this important petition:
Sign the petition to the Stuttgart Opera House now to express your disgust and protest against this monstrous blasphemy.
Yes, I'll sign this petition
Dear Sir or Madam,
your production of the opera Sancta is an act of pure blasphemy. You not only insult and offend Christians in Germany but all over the world. Your production is nothing more than concentrated hatred against the Catholic Church and the Catholic faith.
I am shocked that public funds are being used to insult God in this extreme way.
Your performance is nothing more than extremism under the guise of art: you hide behind artistic freedom to insult and abuse Christians of all denominations, but especially Catholics, in the most repulsive way.
Your performance of Sancta shows the level of hatred for Christianity that some of the cultural industry in Germany are capable of.
You should be ashamed of yourselves. Stop this blasphemous performance! Apologize to all the Christians you have offended.
But above all, ask God for forgiveness and, above all, for mercy and compassion. Because one day you will have to answer to Him for this incredible insult.
Yours sincerely
You are indispensable in this struggle.
Please share this petition as widely as possible.