No gender as a state doctrine! - Petition to the German Bundestag

No gender as a state doctrine! - Petition to the German Bundestag

More and more cities in Germany are mandating the use of gender language. Gender language is increasingly being used in the public media.

Gender language is by no means ideologically neutral.

No, it is both a product and an instrument of Gender ideology, which is based on a false and controversial image of humanity.

In addition, the vast majority of Germans firmly reject gender language.

Nevertheless, gender ideologists are at work abusing the state media and authorities at all levels in order to impose gender language (and thus Gender ideology) on people.

As a result, the German state is increasingly becoming an activist of Gender ideology and thus violating the required neutrality.

Therefore we demand:

  • The public service media (ARD, ZDF, Deutschlandfunk etc.) must not be a propaganda apparatus for gender and must not use gender language.
  • Gender-free German must be used in schools: Schools are not laboratories or indoctrination centers for gender ideology and gender language.
  • Gender-free German must be made compulsory in public authorities at federal, state and local level. The state must not become an activist of gender language through language ordinances.
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