Demand the Sint-Pietersabdij in Ghent to stop this outrageous blasphemy against the dignity of the saints by depicting them half-naked!

Once again, the Catholic faith is being threatened by another horrendous blasphemy., JONG ACV, The Christian Mutuality (Christelijke Mutualiteit) and VDK Bank are offering students in exam period "9 days of heavenly assistance" in the form of novena candles containing images of a half-naked woman and man representing Saint Rita and Saint Aloysius Gonzaga.
According to the Belgian website, the candles are distributed free of charge at St Peter's Abbey in Ghent.
Sign Now Against This Unthinkable Attack on the Church
By promoting the distribution of these candles, St Peter's Abbey is replacing the dignity of the saints with images that go against Catholic morality.
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga was a young example of unblemished purity. He is the patron saint of youth and a model of chastity for all young people who fight against the seductions of impurity. These perverted candles damage the reputation of this great saint.
This is disgusting and a grave offence against Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Church and the saints. There is no respect for the dignity of Catholics and their beliefs.
This is not only offensive to Christians everywhere. This is a serious, blasphemous offense to Religion and to God.
SIGN NOW to Demand Sint-Pietersabdij in Ghent to Stop This Outrageous Blasphemy!
These candles containing images of half-naked people scandalously mock the dignity of Catholic saints. We must oppose this blasphemy!
Please join us in our Christian duty, and sign against this outrageous offense!
Yes, I Will Sign Against This Horrendous Blasphemy
Please don’t be indifferent about this, because it offends God.
Gabriel Suhett and Seppe Van Loo (Student of History and Catholic Religion at the Arteveldehogeschool in Ghent)
Yes, I'll sign this petition
Director of Sint-Pietersabdij in Ghent
I'm shocked by the distribution of novena candles in the Sint-Pietersabdij, outraging the dignity of St Rita and St Aloysius Gonzaga.
The fact that you have allowed these candles to be distributed is unacceptable.
The image depicting the saints on these candles represents a grave offence against Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Church and her saints. This is something I cannot tolerate.
I categorically demand that you immediately stop distributing this blasphemous novena candle!
Sincerely and urgently,
You are indispensable in this struggle.
Please share this petition as widely as possible.