Youth is not made for pleasure, but for heroism!

Youth is not made for pleasure, but for heroism!

On Sunday, September 16, the Youth Crusade organized a street campaign in front of the Archcathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist in Warsaw. The aim of this action was to encourage pedestrians to join Public Rosary Rally for the moral renewal of the Polish nation.

Youth Crusade volunteers with TFP members held a public campaign in the center of Warsaw calling to pray for the moral renewal of Poland.

This is especially important because public sins also require public reparation!

Nowadays, there are more and more blasphemies and people who make mockery of Catholic Faith. As Catholics, we must openly oppose this. If we do not react to it, Poland will fall down into decadence. The only solution is the public prayer of the Rosary, to make reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

We can see more often in Poland tendencies to close Catholic faith in churches and to remove it from public square. Poland can be great again only if is Catholic. The action in front of the Warsaw cathedral served primarily to bring Catholic spirituality back to the streets of our cities.

Two lines formed in V – shaped column with an impressive TFP banner with golden lion at the forefront attracted the pedestrians. It’s impossible to walk by indifferently! People often said: “You look like from Middle Ages ”, “So young and want to pray Rosary?” Yes, we are young and we want to pray Rosary publicly because it’s the only way to STOP the offensive of politically correct dictatorship which wants to impose on us homosexual-propaganda and acceptance of killing unborn babies, so-called abortion.

Many people were very interested in taking a flyer. They could read: “Your prayers determine whether Poland will last another 100 years. Will we be faithful to Poland as Bulwark of Christianity (Antemurale christianitatis)? Will we fall into sin and corruption, and abortionists and revolutionaries under the rainbow flag will dominate the streets? And will not God punish us for these sins with the pagan sword of Allah? Our Lady in the apparitions of Gietrzwałd and Fatima called for penance and recitation of the Rosary – eagerly and persistently. Today, prayer is despised. That's why you have to stand up for principles.

Youth is not made for pleasure, but for heroism! (Paul Claudel)
