Young Catholics react against the first Pro-Abortion march in Poland

Young Catholics react against the first Pro-Abortion march in Poland

Recently, on the 30th of September, crowds gathered in Poland for the first ever "Day of Safe Abortion" march -- an ironic title given that abortion is the termination of a human life -- which promoted procured abortion "on demand and without apology." Naturally, faithful Catholics had to respond. At the summons of “Krucjata Młodych” ("Youth Crusade", the Polish TFP Student Action association), scores of people gathered on that Sunday afternoon at the Dmowski roundabout in Warsaw to protest this horrible demonstation.

"Honour and glory to the abortionists" ( a mockery of the patriotic slogan “Honour and glory to the heroes”), "Abortion means life", "Abortionists of all countries unite" - were just some of the slogans that feminists and other leftists utilised during the March. The participants also shouted and held banners that displayed many anticlerical phrases, which, due to their vulgar nature, is not worth repeating.

Despite the support and intense promotion on the part of Polish liberal media outlets, the "culture of death" activists were more or less equal to the Krucjata Młodych rosary rally in terms of numbers.

Initially, according to various online sources ( among others), the pro-abortion rally started around 17:00 and was shut down by the police around 18:30. The reason cited was that they had violated the Polish demonstration laws by illicitly employing pyrotechnic devices, notably flares. However, newer video evidence suggests that the march was prematurely ended by the organisers themselves and the flares were lit after the fact, an attempt to make it seem as if the police were violating their right to organise.

The pro-life rosary rally organised by Youth Crusade took place one hour before the pro-abortion march (16:00) at the same location. Leading the rosary were three Catholic priests.

Before the commencement of the prayers, the organiser and main spokesman for the event, Mr Macieh Maleszyk of the Polish TFP, reminded those present that the public promotion of grave sins requires acts of public reparation -- a sentiment promoted by St Louis de Montfort.

Attending the rally was a wide variety of groups, which included pro-life, patriotic and Catholic organisations. After the conclusion of the event, TFP volunteers distributed over 1,000 fliers promoting future rosary rallies in Warsaw.

Additionally, several major media outlets were present, such as “Gazeta Wyborcza”, “Gość Niedzielny” (the largest Catholic weekly) and “Media Narodowe”.

As this turnout shows, there is still a reaction to the horrors of abortion in Poland. TFP Student Action Europe encourages its readers to support the continued efforts of the growing reactionary and counter-revolutionary movements striving to maintain the country's Catholic identity in whatever way possible -- namely prayer.

Our Lady of Częstochowa, pray for us!
