Video: The Crusade against the Synodal Way - No to Schism! We remain Catholics!

Video: The Crusade against the Synodal Way - No to Schism! We remain Catholics!

In view of the World Synod in October and the possibility of a repetition of disasters such as those experienced on the German Synodal Way, our volunteers launched another campaign to warn the Catholic faithful, especially in Germany.

In less than a week, 719 parishes from 9 dioceses were visited in 385 towns and villages. In addition, 9 public rosaries were held in the cities of Stuttgart, Augsburg, Munich, Passau, Regensburg, Eichstätt, Nuremberg, Bamberg, and Würzburg.

The support of the faithful was warm, but as always, the Catholic left and its sympathizers did not fail to show their hatred - nothing synodal.
