TFP denounces dutch “Homosexual Dictatorship”
Recently, a group of 8 volunteers from the various European Societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property traveled to the Netherlands to aid their Dutch sister association, Gezin in Gevaar (Family in Danger), in a campaign to defend the family. What was particularly noteworthy about this demonstration, was that it took place in Gouda during its infamous “Pink Saturday” – one of Europe's largest homosexual events, supported by both state and church entities.
With their red capes and pro-family fliers, the TFP stood in stark contrast to the rest of the city, which that day was covered in pink and rainbows. Despite the heavy concentration of hostile pro-homosexual activists, over 1,000 Gezin in Gevaar leaflets were distributed to the public.
In an obvious nod to the group's previous campaign, in which volunteers were recorded being physically assaulted by LGBT proponents and antifa activists, the publication contained a clear condemnation of what it called the “homosexual dictatorship.” Although not a dictatorship as most would imagine it, the flier explained how the LGBT movement – which claims to be oppressed – is actually promoted by nearly every social and cultural institution (even the state), and how those who voice their disagreement are subject to reprisal and, in many cases, violence.
Those campaigning noted that the leaflets clear denunciation of the intimidation tactics of the homosexual lobby, combined with the mainstream media coverage of the previous campaign, caused those on the “rainbow” side to tone down their reactions, as not to vindicate Gezin in Gevaar's position. Despite this, several volunteers reported cases of minor assault to their persons and others who liked the flier being harassed, although the police were unable to respond.
Many of the opponents of the campaign who, wishing to appear as though they a reasonable objection, expressed displeasure at the fact there were non-Dutchmen present at the campaign – an ironic position given that many of these same people were sporting European Union badges and pins. Pointing out that a good portion of the “pink” crowd were also from other countries, one TFP member said, “If the homosexual movement is international, why shouldn't the pro-family movement be international as well?”
Despite the fact that the Netherlands has the reputation for being the most pro-LGBT countries in the world, many of the campaigners observed that they were actually receiving a great deal of support. Perhaps one of best examples of this took place at the end of the demonstration in an exchange between a police officer and one of the event's organisers, “There are many in Gouda who support you [the TFP]... I am one of them.”
In addition to the 8 volunteers from the TFP, a small group of youths, mostly women, accompanied the campaign. Holding signs which bore slogans such as “Marriage = 1 Man + 1 Woman”, they received a great number of positive honks from passing cars, as well as “rings” from cyclists. One vehicle in particular was so enthusiastic that it passed by 3 times with its passengers cheering out the window and offering words of support.
To the TFP and pro-family groups everywhere, this campaign highlighted an important point; the sexual revolution may appear strong, but in reality its a clay giant. Wherever there are a faithful, dedicated few willing to push back, there is hope.