TFP at the March for Life 2018 in Rome
The 8th annual March for Life in Rome, held on May 19, this year commemorated the 40th anniversary of the passing of Law 194/1978, by which abortion was legalized in Italy.
Because of this norm, in these four decades at least 6 million innocent babies were killed before they were even born. Not to mention the number of those who have died as a result of the various abortion pills put on the market in recent years. A veritable silent slaughter, legitimized by the state in the name of women's "right" to self-determination. A genocide presented by the media and most politicians as a sign of progress and civilization.
The Roman demonstration, however, also wanted to recall the barbaric murder of little Alfie Evans in Liverpool hospital at the end of April, a sign of a truly satanic euthanasic and eugenic drift.
The Italian TFP (and others) has never missed the important event of the March, and on this occasion, too, it marched through the streets of Rome with capes and banner.
Along the way, the Group received the support and encouragement of many people, friends and acquaintances, in addition, of course, to that of many of the Italian pro-life realities, with which there have always been excellent relations.
Members of the Italian TFP also participated in the fourth edition of the Rome Life Forum on the two days prior to March, where a table was made available for the sale of Tradition Family Property Association books and materials. Also, at the request of the conference organizers, Brother Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez brought the statue of Our Lady of Fatima to the Angelicum University conference room, which remained there during the conference.