Taking to the Streets against Abortion in Arnhem: ‘We agree with You 100%!’

TFP Student Action's pro-life volunteers began their street campaign series against abortion in Arnhem.

Taking to the Streets against Abortion in Arnhem: ‘We agree with You 100%!’

TFP Student Action's street campaign has started! The young men's pro-life witnessing began in Arnhem. Despite a small number of negative reactions, the campaigners look back on a successful start to their long journey across the country.

‘100% Agree with You!’

After starting the day with prayer, we set up our gear to begin our pro-life testimony. Quite early on, we were greeted by two women, a mother and her daughter. They said they agreed with us ‘100%’. Two other elegant young women also complimented us for our commitment to vulnerable women and children.

Read also: Almere Police Violate Freedom of Speech of Pro-Lifers


Still, not everyone was happy to see us. One student who accepted our flyer became furious when he read our views and tore it up. Threateningly, he walked up to one of us and called him a ‘Nazi’. When we tried to engage in conversation with him, he angrily walked away after showing us his longest finger. Well, we are used to it by now. Such people only want to shout and not listen. They desperately need prayer.

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