Saint Joan of Arc Was a Knight, Not a “Knightess”

Since God wants to make a fighter out of the Maid of Orleans, He draws extraordinary strength from her virginal weakness and with it defeats stronger men. Saint Joan of Arc, knight and warrior, seen here leading the attack against the English.

Saint Joan of Arc Was a Knight, Not a “Knightess”

Everyone sees the pulchrum of the figure of Saint Joan of Arc. What is it? It is the pulchrum of a virgin who does the will of God. And since God wants to make a fighter out of her, He draws extraordinary strength from her virginal weakness and with it defeats stronger men.

What is this in the soul of Saint Joan of Arc? She is a knight, not a “knightess.” She is a fragile, fine and delicate maiden as behooves the feminine sex. However, she is a warrior, and a great warrior! How does one explain this? The explanation is in the equilibrium of the qualities that exist in her. She has the strength of a man, the delicacy of a woman, the force of a virgin who knows how to defend herself and has the necessary integrity of soul. But above all, she is a soul to whom God spoke through voices; a soul that at a certain moment, so to speak, heard the voice of God. Such a light overshadowed her that one has the impression that Saint Joan of Arc radiates light at all moments of her life.

Even in the tragic moment when the flames began to spread on the wood pile to which she was tied and which finally burned her, she shone even more than the very flames. It was a reflection of the great love of God that moved her soul.

Prière à Sainte Jeanne d’Arc pour la France

Puisse Sainte Jeanne d’Arc maintenir au cœur des Français cette flamme d’une catholicité combative et intransigeante, en vue de la pleine exaltation de la Sainte Église et l’humiliation définitive de ses ennemis.

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The historic cathedral of Reims, rebuilt after the 1914 war, is the sanctuary in which the Kings of the Frace of Saint Louis were crowned by the Church and anointed with the Holy Chrism that an Angel from Heaven had brought for the coronation of Clovis. Facing this cathedral, symbol of France, is this monument to Saint Joan of Arc, the heroic virgin of Orléans.

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