Saarbrücken says NO! to Abortion!

Saarbrücken says NO! to Abortion!

The proud volunteers of the German section of TFP Student Action Europe took to the streets again, this time in Saarbrücken, continuing the series of Campaigns in Defense of Unborn Life, following France's decision on March 4 to include in its Constitution the "right to abortion in all cases".

With an action planned for almost the entire afternoon of last Tuesday, March 26, the young volunteers had to end the campaign early due to the warm reception from the public, expressed in the huge number of leaflets distributed - which were completely sold out ahead of schedule. It's a discreet but important sign of how many Germans - and French, in this border town - feel about the sanctity of innocent human life.

Macron declares "War on the Unborn"

Speaking in Versailles on the night of the infamous decision, Macron announced that he would not rest until abortion is legal in all stages of pregnancy in Europe and throughout the world: “Today’s not the end of the story, it’s the beginning of a combat. If France has become the only country in the world whose constitution explicitly protects the right to an abortion in all circumstances, we will not rest until this promise is kept throughout the world. We will wage this battle on our continent, in our Europe, where reactionary forces first and always attack women’s rights, before going on to attack the rights of minorities, of all the oppressed, of all freedoms,” he warned.

Fight back!

A new generation of pro-family activists is forming in Germany, and they are not afraid to proclaim the whole truth: The God-given right to life is non-negotiable.

The future belongs to those who have faith and oppose the sin of abortion.It is now up to us to pray and step up the fight to prevent this curse from spreading to Germany and the rest of Europe.

Sign the petition now to defend ALL innocent human life!

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