Record-Breaking: 100,000 Rally for Life in Ireland
On March 10, the Irish Society for Christian Civilisation, joined over a hundred thousand pro-lifers who flooded the streets of Dublin, in the All Ireland Rally for Life. The record-breaking rally was especially timely in light of attempts to repeal the Eighth Amendment in the Irish Constitution that recognizes both the mother and the unborn child are equally entitled to the right to life.
This issue of abortion is now dividing the nation. A referendum is planned for the end of May on whether or not Ireland should repeal the amendment.
Youthful Presence
The attitude of those in the march was positive and enthusiastic. They were proud to be out in the streets standing up for both women and unborn children. Not unlike the March for Life in America, the rally was predominately made up of passionate and outgoing youth who were unafraid to proclaim their pro-life stance.
The youthful presence is a sign that the anti-abortion fight is not going away. There is great hope for the pro-life movement in this once fervently Catholic country.
The rally was preceded by a march through the streets of Dublin. The presence of bagpipers, provided by the Irish Society for Christian Civilisation, encouraged the pro-lifers in their resolve that abortion never be made legal in Ireland.
Pro-abortion Protesters
Last year, hordes of screaming pro-abortion protesters lined the street of the march to harass the pro-life participants. Many of them attempted to disrupt the march by jumping into the crowd, or screaming profanities and vulgar insults.
Contrary to what everyone anticipated this year, a total of 15 counter-protesters stood on the side of the road remaining silent. According to some sources, pro-abortionists advised them not to scream or wear black so as to present a better image for their campaign. Thus, the pro-abortion supporters appeared downcast and lacking in enthusiasm.
Save the Eighth
The massive reaction in Ireland shows that the pro-life movement is growing and gaining traction globally.
Niamh Uí Bhriain, an Irish activist for the pro-life Save the Eighth campaign stated that “the government’s abortion proposal had woken a sleeping giant and that the campaign now expected a surge in volunteers to work towards a No vote in the abortion referendum in May.”
May God and all the saints of Ireland intercede for the country during the crucial upcoming referendum. May He not permit Ireland to change the constitution to allow the destruction and killing of her future.