Volunteers from the Irish Society for Christian Civilisation start a pro-life campaign in Dublin, Ireland.
Pray and Act against the Sin of Abortion
Volunteers from the Irish Society for Christian Civilisation stood firm to publicly defend the rights of the unborn and Catholic morality. The message spread throughout Dublin through slogans that echoed through Graftonstreet and the attractive hymns played on the bagpipe. The much needed attention was caught to remind people of the decadence our societies are going through.
Spreading the Word
Although it was raining, that did not stop people from engaging in debates after receiving a pamphlet with 7 reasons against abortion. When a middle-aged man walked up to one of our volunteers, he asked him agitatedly "What is this about?". "Sir, this is a campaign to defend innocent life, for the right to life and against abortion," the pro-lifer replied. The man looked around and tried to think of a trap to stop the young activist. It did not work. It looked as if he could not stop the young volunteer from continuing with the campaign against abortion, and trudged off disappointed.

"You're right, those pro-abortionists are crazy!"
Surprising was the number of people who not only agreed with our message, but were also impressed by the way we conducted campaign. Some called it a breath of fresh air, others stood for minutes pondering what to make of the huge contrast of abortion advocates and Catholic activists; "I like your tone" and the symbols you use show well which side you are on! "Every time I speak out against their views, the abortion side starts cursing, profaning and sometimes even using violence!

He who has the youth has the future.
He who has the Youth has the Future
This is another action to engage people, counter-attack against the ever more radicalising revolutionaries and in particular warn and educate the youth about the terrible consequences of Liberalism. For instance, a group of boys passed by who loved the music of the bagpipes, they immediately expressed their national pride and argued their support for defending their brothers and sisters yet to be born. It is a sign of hope, and even more so that we must never, ever give up until we have achieved total victory.
Get involved!
TFP Student Action - Europe is the student sector formed by young volunteers from several European TFPs - Societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family, Property. Networking with thousands of concerned students and parents, TFP Student Action defends traditional moral values on college campuses, schools, and in the streets, in direct contact with the public. Below you will find links to learn more about who we are and what we do.
If you would like more information, please contact us at info@tfpstudentactioneurope.org or use the form at the bottom of this page.
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Thank you and may God bless you!