Netherlands: How many degrees has the earth really warmed?
It was a beautiful day on Saturday. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, an ideal day for a street campaign. This time, TFP Studentenactie (Netherlands) went to the South Holland towns of Berkel en Rodenrijs and Schiedam. The goal: to show our protest against climate coercion in the public space.
We proclaimed slogans, handed out our Manifesto against Climate Coercion and talked to numerous people. To get our message across in a playful way, we held a short quiz each time. We asked people three questions. How many degrees has the earth warmed up in the last hundred years? How many centimeters has the sea level risen? What percentage of our energy comes from wind and solar power in the Netherlands?

Climate Propaganda
And then it becomes clear how much climate propaganda has penetrated into the minds of the Dutch. Almost everyone gives far too high answers. Three, four, five degrees of warming, meters of sea level rise, fifty percent wind energy ... In reality there is no more than one degree of warming (according to the latest report of UN climate panel IPCC), 18 inches of sea level rise and only 5% of the current energy in the Netherlands comes from windmills and solar panels.

No one wants that
Confronted with these answers, many people are surprised. For years they have been reading in the newspapers and seeing very different claims on the news, right? Yet they seem to have no trouble accepting the facts, the correct answers to our questions. A few people enter into discussion, but many recognize that the dominant climate story is very one-sided. That offers hope! Furthermore, everyone reacts negatively when we explain that the plan to go to 50% sustainable energy means that there are 10 times as many windmills and solar panels. That really nobody wants.

Youth has a future
Also fun: a boy about 14 years old knew that the earth's temperature has only risen 1 degree in the last century. How did he know that? Just learned it at school. Fortunately, the leftist indoctrination in education has not yet penetrated everywhere.
Where have we been?
Did you know that we have done sixty street campaigns in recent years? It's an excellent way of taking action. We take back public space from the left, show that there is organized resistance to leftist culture, and offer people hope. For example, we often speak to people who say they are alone in their family or circle of friends with their views on Islam, climate, Black Pete, etc. Our presence on the streets gives them the courage to continue to go against the prevailing left-wing views. That is also a great motivator for us to continue with this way of campaigning.
Here is a map with some of the places where we have been on street campaigning. Our goal is: a flag in every major city in the Netherlands!