Bottom left: Neil Datta in Medialogica (Image: screenshot NPO and website Valeurs actuelles)
Neil Datta: the Man behind the EU Abortion Lobby
Neil Datta is a peculiar figure, who claims to hold five nationalities, and likes to be cited as an ‘expert’ by television programmes like Medialogica and Pointer, which pretend to be fact-checking but are in fact out to protect prevailing narratives. For instance, on the 'salvific' nature of abortion, gender and homosexuality.
Datta: Exponent of IPPF
However, in the French weekly Valeurs actuelles, Louis-Marie Bonneau of the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), now opens up about Datta. What emerges? Datta is not an objective researcher but, as a lobbyist, an outright exponent of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). With the support of that notorious global abortion organisation, he founded the European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development (EPF) in 2000.
Srgr: umbrella Term for Abortion
Datta then worked for the organisation's European network (IPPF European Network), where he coordinated the parliamentary lobbying programme. In 2004, Datta became director of his own EPF. The aim of this lobbying organisation is to coordinate European parliamentarians and others to promote ‘sexual and reproductive health and rights’ (srgr). Srgr is a well-known container term that enables (and was probably coined) to spread abortion without calling it such.
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Several national and European MEPs sit on EPF's executive committee. Sixteen MEPs are also members of the ‘MEPs for Sexual and Reproductive Rights’ group within the organisation. They are the most active abortion propagandists in the MEP. They include Predrag Matić (of the abortion-promoting ‘Matić Report’), Irène Tolleret and Robert Biedroń, chairman of the MEP's Committee on Women's Rights.
Abortion Fanatics in MEP
Neil Datta keeps this company together and organises ‘study tours’ to developing countries for them. No wonder that as MEPs they are known to be the most fanatical in promoting abortion. That their forum was founded by IPPF is not surprising: for years, it has been a global pioneer when it comes to promoting abortion, sterilisation and contraception as a method of population reduction, with the motivation that - especially in developing countries - overpopulation would be the cause of problems in the economy and public health.
Datta's EPF funded by UN
IPPF has since 1977 been a permanent member of the coordinating committee of the World Health Organisation's (WHO) Human Reproduction Programme (HRP), which is in fact not so much concerned with human ‘reproduction’ as with ‘reduction’. Not surprisingly, Datta decided to join forces with HRP last year. Nor is it a surprise that both organisations, Datta's EPF and WHO, are funded from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). According to Valeurs actuelles, UNFPA paid more than 250,000 euros to Datta's EPF in 2021: the UN organisation thus directly subsidises the abortion lobby within the European Parliament
Word Games: from Demography to ‘Women's Rights’
Valeurs actuelles also points to the cloaking word games being played: ‘abortion’ and ‘contraception’ are no longer concepts within the context of demography within these NGOs, but have been transferred to those of ‘women's health’ and ‘sexual and reproductive rights’: "This shift in vocabulary reflects a marketing strategy to hide the demographic objective, which began in 1994 at the UN International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo. The discourse on that occasion had become more consensus-oriented as a result of the Holy See's struggle for power against World Family Planning. In the same line of reasoning, EPF on Population and Development officially changed its name to EPF on Sexual and Reproductive Rights in 2022."
Datta uses illegal Hacks
Neil Datta goes far in fighting his opponents. He prefers to play the man rather than the ball. In 2012, for instance, he published a ‘blacklist’ of pro-life personalities with details of their private lives, including their families. Bonneau: “In 2017, the computer of pro-life activist Ignacio Arzuaga was hacked. The data obtained from this hack, which was illegal, was made public and used by Datta in one of his reports, even though he was aware of the fraudulent origin of this information.”
Datta manipulates his ‘Evidence’
Another example: pro-life organisations, often Christian, consulted with each other in the ‘Agenda Europe’ think-tank. Their emails were also illegally hacked, and then used to support the narrative of the ‘global conspiracy against women's rights’. In doing so, Datta mixed funds from pro-life groups with other Christian funds he could find. He then explains that these funds, which he himself thus artificially presents as bigger than they are, are funding the ‘fight against women's rights’.
George Soros and Bill Gates pay
Datta, meanwhile, became a serious player. Bonneau: "According to the European Commission's transparency register, Neil Datta employs nine people and has a budget of more than two million euros by 2022. These come from UNFPA, WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros' Open Society Foundation, Planned Parenthood International (IPPF) and the pharmaceutical group Merck Sharp & Dohme, which produces the contraceptive ring and desogestrel-based birth control pills. These are all organisations that have a personal interest in Neil Datta spreading the message that protecting the lives of children and the health of their mothers is a violation of human rights."
Datta's ‘neo-colonial Goal’: Population Reduction
Thus, Neil Datta, along with the MPs he unites, presents his fight against pro-life as a humanitarian mission, while he and his supporters are only interested in spreading the killing of unborn children as widely as possible, not least for the - as Bonneau calls it ‘neo-colonial goal’ - of causing the population growth of poor countries to collapse as disastrously as it already has in the West.