Irish TFP promotes Rosary Rally in Dublin
To commemorate the 101st anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Irish Society for Christian Civilisation - ISFCC organised a Public Square Rosary Rally on O’Connell Street in Dublin, Ireland.
Approximately 70 attended the rally, despite the rainy weather. The rally was actually one of six ISFCC organise every year from May to October. At each rally, volunteers of ISFCC bring a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima, the red standard of Tradition, Family & Property with the rampant lion and a banner explaining the reason for the gathering and inviting pedestrians to join. The message on the banner reads: “As human efforts fail to solve Ireland’s key problems, we turn to God, through His Holy Mother, asking His urgent help”.
This invocation is more relevant than ever, especially in today’s Ireland which recently repealed by referendum the 8th amendment of its constitution protecting unborn children from abortion. Ireland is also the country that introduced homosexual pseudo-marriage by referendum in 2015. These sad events confirm what Irish Catholics have been observing in recent decades - a steady decline in Christian values and Catholic culture that had previously permeated society. This downturn has become more and more evident in recent years.
To the thousands of people who walk or drive through O'Connell Street, the rallies presents to them the Catholic Faith and specifically the Rosary. Many people will actually stop and pray a decade before moving on again.
Many friends and supporters of ISFCC now hold their own Rosary Rallies on a regular basis. These dedicated people are emblematic of a whole group of Irish Catholics who refuse to let their Catholic culture be trampled under the secular and atheistic agenda. Confident in Our Lady's promise that she will help those who pray her Rosary and crush their enemies, they take to the streets giving witness to their Faith by praying the Rosary publicly.
Our Lady of Fatima! Pray for us!