In Vienna: No to Behemoth's blasphemous spectacle!
Currently, the blasphemous band Behemoth is touring our continent under the title "European Siege 2022" to present their latest album "Opus contra naturam".
This band has already released songs with titles that leave no doubt about their mindset: Ecclesia Diabolica Catholica, "Devilish Catholic Church", God = Dog or the anti-Marian song "Sabbath Mater".
Behemoth plans to perform at the Gasometer Hall in Vienna on October 18, 2022.
Sign the petition to the mayor of Vienna, urging him to cancel this blasphemy!
During a concert of the band Behemoth the confessing Satanist "Nergal" Darski publicly tore up the Bible at the club "Ucho" in Gdynia on September 13, 2007. In addition, "Nergal" bragged on social media about having trampled a painting with an image of the Mother of God.
"Nergal" also called the Bible "a lying book" and the Catholic Church "the biggest criminal sect."
Who knows what they would be capable of at this concert....
Enough blasphemy! Protest against this promotion of Satanism in Austria.
On their earlier albums Behemoth also combined demonic music with satanic lyrics, like Lucifer, please for us ("Lucifer Ora Pro Nobis") or Amen, a desecrated version of "Ave Maria".
Once again, "Nergal" and his band want to insult the Mother of God and the Catholic Church, praise the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah and praise Lucifer's rebellion. In short, praise of evil, ugliness and moral decadence.
Sign the petition to the mayor of Vienna, Michael Ludwig.
During this concert hundreds of young people will encounter praise of evil and violence, hatred of God, and contempt for all that is holy. We cannot remain silent in the face of this scandalous concert. We Catholics must vigorously reject not only Satan but all his works.
Sign the petition to the mayor of Vienna, urging him to cancel this blasphemy!
Photo: Krzysztof Sado Sadowski - behemoth.pl, uploaded to Polish Wikipedia by DingirXul