In the Netherlands, ANTIFA attacks Pro-Family Offices
On the 25th October, at around midnight, a group of masked men vandalized the grounds of the Casa Nova Pilgrim House. The building, which is located in the Heilig Landstichting, is where Civitas Christiana has its offices. The poster itself contained a screed against Civitas' recent campaigns.
Left-extremist stickers
The vandals, which according to their own photos were a group of least five people, were unrecognisable due to masks and the cover of night. Normally, the grounds of the pilgrim house close in the evening, so they likely climbed one of the surrounding fences to enter.
The building's main door was when they staped the poster to it. On the windows of Casa Nova and throughout the area, they put up material against, among other things, Zwarte Piet (Black Peter) and the institution of the family. The killing of unborn children by procured abortion was also referred to as a "human right". These acts of vandalism were reported to the police.
This attack comes at the heel of a violent assault against volunteers of Civitas Christiana – who were protesting a “drag queen story hour” – in front of a library in Nijmegen at the hands of LGBT activists. During this incident, the rainbow partisans unexpectedly attacked the peaceful demonstrators of Civitas and tried to throw them to the ground. Unfortunately, police arrived well after the fact, but the skirmish was filmed by a BNNVARA camera crew.
Jet-black hatred
Hugo Bos, leader of Civitas Christiana, is not surprised by the actions of the vandals at Casa Nova. "We live in an environment where the revolution is becoming increasingly desperate. On all fronts you see that more and more people see through the deception. Behind this so-called activism of love hides jet-black hatred against the family. They are antifa: anti-family. Against the Netherlands and Dutch Christian culture."
"The action at Casa Nova is an obvious expression of intolerance," says Hugo Bos. "These groups avoid debate and resort to silence others by any means at their disposal. Although they made their attack incognito, at the same time they have discarded their mask. Antifa and Zwarte Piet-haters are on the terror list of the Dutch authorities, and rightly so. They are a danger to society. That is exactly what we have always said, and it is now being demonstrated, so to speak, on our front door. Tolerance is completely foreign to these people. "
Culture terrorists
Mr Bos nevertheless finds the increasingly hostile climate worrying. "How long will the government continue to tolerate these cultural terrorists? We are not afraid of them, but we regard a laconic attitude towards them as misplaced. In any case, we will report all threats, violations and crimes against us, so that the problem cannot be denied by the authorities later on."
December 15, 2018 update
They came again: New sabotage action against "Culture Under Fire"
During the morning of Saturday, December 8, they returned in another attempt to sabotage our campaign in the Netherlands.
They locked the entrance gate with chains and destroyed the lock. The goal was to strike Culture Under Fire, along with the other campaigns of Civitas Christiana.
The leftist extremists did not stop at the act of sabotage. The following Sunday, they again illegally penetrated Casa Nova's premises and held a satanic-style "rave party" in broad daylight, a video of which they posted on YouTube. "As childish and immature as this comes across, I find it worrisome that apparently all this can just happen," said Hugo Bos, Civitas Christiana's campaign manager. "Hate speech, obstructing demonstrations and trespassing on property are serious crimes."
'Abject thought'
Bos points out that this is not the first time left-wing extremists have engaged in illegal activities against Civitas Christana. Previously, they broke into the Casa Nova grounds on the night of Oct. 24-25, leaving behind Marxist propaganda materials with totalitarian ideology. In a poster they attached to the front door, they stated their demands: abolition of the family and private property. "You would think that after everything this abject ideology has done over the past century, it would be in the landfill for good," Bos said. "Just like National Socialism. Well, in Nijmegen apparently not yet."
"Their propaganda material does show that our actions rank these left-wing extremists highly," said Hugo Bos. "That is only nice. However, it remains worrisome that the government is not keeping a closer eye on these hate groups. With their acts of intimidation and sabotage, they pose a threat to free public debate. We don't let them influence us, but others may." He points out that he has concrete clues as to who the burglars were. "We will include those in the report."