Students know that it takes courage to oppose the Left.
"I don't see many People standing here in the Rain"
TFP Student Action Europe volunteers braved an autumn shower on the campus of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam last Wednesday afternoon. Many students recognized the pro-life activists from previous campus campaigns. Flyers with encouraging texts to defend the unborn in Europe, just as in the United States, were handed out and, despite the wet rain, were gladly accepted by students who admire what people are willing to endure to defend their ideals.

Pro-lifers defend unborn life regardless of whether it rains or not.
"You know what could happen if you hand out these flyers here, right?"
A young man was passing the intersection with his wife when he saw a group of young men in red capes debating with left-wing students in the rain, handing out leaflets to the crowds streaming in and out of the university. The gentleman was familiar with the militancy on campus, but did not see many people standing in the rain. A volunteer from TFP Student Action Europe told him that in the Netherlands, as in America, it is possible to resist the liberalization of society. Before he left, he made another gesture of encouragement and gratitude and wished us well.

Even the staff of the Vrije Universiteit of Amsterdam cannot weather the debate.
"Don't you think abortion is an evil?"
Across the street, a university staff member approached a volunteer to ask what he was proclaiming. "We are doing a student campaign against abortion, are you an opponent?" "No, I don't care. But I don't mind if you stand here, you know." The concierge was about to take shelter from the rain when he was asked if he did not think abortion was evil: "Sometimes you have to let a little evil exist because these women are too young, they cannot take care of the baby." The young volunteer was puzzled and asked respectfully, "So is killing the solution?" The caretaker realized he had said something wrong and quickly rushed inside.
Hysterical Opposition
Hardly anyone seemed to have time to defend their pro-life position in the rain, apparently not considering it important enough to get a wet suit. Still, after half an hour, one young woman jumped to her feet when she heard, "Help defend the right to life!" The student raised her voice and waved her arms, "If I were pregnant, I would not be able to study here. You are a man and you will not tell me what to do with my body! Some young students passing by pulled their hoods off and looked back. The pro-life activist had enough experience to not shy away from such a public challenge: "What does abortion have to do with being able to study? Pregnancy does not prevent a woman from having an intellectual education". Furious, she stomped into the warm auditorium of the VU and announced to everyone that she adhered to the feminist ideology.
After Rain comes Sunshine
Despite liberal legislation and indoctrination in schools and universities, there is a growing movement in Europe against the attack on the family, the sexual revolution, abortion and other immoral practices introduced in recent decades. Christian students are increasingly speaking out, even in left-wing circles. They will have to pray and act to grow as a minority and to convert people from the grave sins that are being committed. Rain or shine, we will continue to defend the right to life, because after rain comes sunshine.
Be part of this Crusade for Moral Values!
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
Edmund Burke was right. Too many good men are silent. But the only way to face the current crisis and return to the Christian roots of our Culture is for good men to speak up and start doing something.
TFP Student Action - Europe is the student sector formed by young volunteers from several European TFPs - Societies for the Defense of Tradition, Family, Property. Networking with thousands of concerned students and parents, TFP Student Action defends traditional moral values on college campuses, schools, and in the streets, in direct contact with the public. Contact us and find out how you can be part of it!