Estonia: First Caravan for moral values
The Estonian branch of the international counter-revolutionary movement Tradition, Family, Property entitled Foundation for the Protection of Family and Tradition launched first time in Estonian history a proper TFP caravan of ten consecutive street campaigns in different Estonian cities.
In the last week of August two Estonian TFP members Varro Vooglaid and Markus Järvi with three young volunteers Oto Tuul, Martin Vaher and Hardi Möller organised a five-day caravan for defining marriage as a union between man and woman in the Estonian constitution.
The caravan arrived in ten Estonian cities, namely Haapsalu, Pärnu, Viljandi, Valga, Võru Tartu, Paide, Türi, Rapla and, last but not least, Estonian capital Tallinn. Many thousands of petitions for defining marriage in Estonian constitution as a union between one man and one woman were distributed in public streets and town squares.
Our activities on the streets induced many conversations with sympathetic citizens, but also some limited occurrences of hate and liberal fury, which is as ridiculous as it is undersupplied of any proper argument against the idea that the marriage is a union between man and woman.
"This campaign is of high symbolic value for us because it was the first time we carried out a street campaign according to the TFP tradition. The experience is the more valuable that it brought to us a clear understanding of the spiritual dimension of street campaigns – the practical understanding that being out on the streets is foremost a spiritual act and that there is a battle being fought which cannot be grasped through the senses,” said Mr. Varro Vooglaid, the head of Foundation for the Protection of Family and Tradition commenting our rally for elementar truths and against sodomisation of the institution of marriage.
“This understanding is fundamental to us as soldiers in the ranks of the Counter-Revolution. Needless to say, going out onto streets is also a school of humility. It is not something that intellectuals would do – it requires going out of one’s comfort zone and putting one’s ideals in practice, living one’s ideals not only in words, but in actual deeds, facing people eye to eye. This manly experience needs to be at the centre of our militant spirit and it has to become our second nature – always to be ready to defend our ideals not only in words, but in deeds, however uncomfortable, unpleasant or dangerous it may be,” continued Mr. Vooglaid.
Our campaign revealed us that the true counter-revolutionary battle for Our Lady has to be continued and vehemently fought in this ancient Land of Mary as already in 1215 Pope Innocent III dedicated Estonia and Livonia to our Heavenly Queen.
Regina Terrae Marianae, ora pro nobis!