Call for a Crusade Against the Massacre of the Innocents in the 21st century

Fra Angelico, The Massacre of the Innocents

Call for a Crusade Against the Massacre of the Innocents in the 21st century

On the occasion of the 2025 March for Life in Brussels, TFP Student Action Europe is encouraging Catholics to take a further step in the fight in defence of the unborn.

The need to engage in the culture war

The Pro-Life movement stands out in the intellectual debate for its persevering insistence that abortion is not a woman's “right” but a moral evil. Procured abortion is always murder since it stops the beating heart of an innocent unborn baby.

However, the movement must take this struggle one step further, centering it on defeating the sexual revolution. We must tackle the problem at its roots. In fact, abortion facilitated the destruction of Christian morals by allowing men and women to be sexually active without the consequence of pregnancy.

The best defence for the unborn baby is the traditional family

The facts show the need to make the sexual revolution the target of our tireless efforts. The vast majority of abortions are the result of non-marital sexual relations. The best defence for the unborn baby is the traditional family, a father and mother united in marriage - one man and one woman united for life and excluding all other types of “unions.” If the culture exalts absolute sexual license, abortion will always be used as emergency contraception.

Therefore, the Pro-Life movement must not only have the courage to perform the crucial task of saving babies, but it must also attack the sexual revolution in all its manifestations. We must seek to save marriage, promote modesty, and uphold chastity. We must condemn promiscuity and impurity. We must devote all necessary ingenuity, determination and sacrifice to win this moral war.

We must seek to save marriage, promote modesty, and uphold chastity

This effort would consist of showing the devastating negative impact of abortion on individuals and communities. It would also call for presenting a positive vision of men and women inside a pro-marriage and pro-family framework. Above all, we must be good examples of virtuous living to draw people to our cause.

This task is made easier by the fact that the dominant liberal model of society is crumbling, and few alternatives are presented.

Timid souls may object that such a social transformation is impossible. However, many people said the same thing about overturning the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in the United States. So why doubt that the current situation can change drastically? For proof, look no further than the widespread insecurity of the abortion movement throughout Europe.

We must be good examples of virtuous living to draw people to our cause

We need lively and vocal crowds

Gloomy and silent crowds do little good for the pro-life cause. Such passivity gives abortionists hope that even the most Catholic sectors of public opinion will one day accept the abortion laws imposed by parliamentary majorities in our countries. Just as the frenzied demonstrations of minorities with no influence wouldn't do them any good either. Because by their very smallness, they would show that the vast majority of the nation does not disagree with the abortionist innovations.

If we really and truly want to successfully fight back against the catastrophe of abortion laws in Catholic Europe, we must bring expression and voice to the crowd.

Indignation, a moral duty

Faced with ever more liberal abortion laws, indignation is not just a lawful attitude for Catholics but it is a true and necessary moral imperative, the noble and admirable fruit of zeal. While always remaining within the law, indignation should be our natural response to the reality of the mass extermination of unborn babies.

In our century, which prides itself on absolute and inflexible egalitarianism, there is no act of injustice against so-called "minorities,” even ones that are radical in the order of thought and terrorists in the order of action, that does not cause a chain of indignant protests from universal secular humanitarianism. Yet all this humanitarianism is silent - oh my! - when it comes to the protection of innocent victims who have been murdered in their mother’s womb.

Why shouldn't we Catholics use all the indignation expressed by leftist when we protest the extermination of the unborn? Why the double standard?

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Is such an anti-abortion position liable to be labelled exaggerated?

Someone might object that all these considerations are well-founded if it is assumed that abortion constitutes a crime against human life, a serious transgression of the Fifth Commandment: “Thou shalt not kill.” But such a severe designation seems excessive when it comes to interrupting the life of a human being who is not yet fully formed.

Such an objection would be appropriate if this appeal to Catholic opinion were also addressed to sectors in which indifferentism, secularism or atheism prevail. But that is not the case here. For the Catholic reader, it's enough to remember that at all times the pontifical documents on the subject have severely criticised abortion.

Even Pope Francis, during his visit to Belgium, described those who perform abortion as “hitmen". The Holy Father also emphasised that the law that seeks to legitimise abortion is a "murderous law". Catholics therefore cannot argue that the qualification given here to those who practise abortion is exaggerated.

At all times the pontifical documents on the subject have severely criticised abortion

The 21st century crusade

Today, when political help waffles and wanes, we must trust that divine help will be even more certain. We must believe with the unshakeable confidence that moves mountains to obtain the victory we need.

Only with the help of Almighty God and His Blessed Mother will we be able to take up this challenge of changing the culture and cut the root cause of abortion.

Let us go forth, therefore, and bravely face the new realities that challenge us. With prayer and action we will improvise and dare as we march to our blessed goal: a Europe in line with Christian morality. We will not tire or rest until procured abortion becomes unthinkable and God and His Blessed Mother are glorified in our countries.

We are moving towards the Catholic civilisation that could be born from the rubble of today's world, just as medieval civilisation was born from the rubble of the Roman world. We are moving towards the conquest of this ideal with the courage, perseverance and resolution to face and overcome all obstacles with which the Crusaders marched towards Jerusalem. Because if our ancestors knew how to die to liberate Christ sepulchre in Jerusalem, how can we - children of the Church like them - not want to fight and die to restore something that is worth infinitely more than the Saviour's most precious tomb, namely His reign over souls and societies, which He created and redeemed to love Him eternally?
